Thursday, July 28, 2016

Oooooo...Those Evil, Dirty Dishes!

    'Yes, we have totally destroyed thousands of these unsightly, evil, mind altering thingies. All of a sudden these purveyors of worldly information, and filth, were popping up all Over the place. Rumor has it that our misguided citizens were actually watching movies that dipicted Women with their Hair, god forbide, and ankles in plain view! There were even reports of Music and Happiness being sho...wn! May Allah forgive them! "What these televisions really achieve is increased divorce, addiction and insecurity in society."
Forgiveness will come After a good dose of proper mind cleansing treatment, and punishment for their transgressions. Nomads were even mounting them on their camels humps! We instructed the 'satellite police' to investigate this ungodly apparition and to root out the evil behind it. Praise be to Allah! Oh yes, and when they reported back that somehow these harbingers of truth were mysteriously connected to our misinformed citizens computors, and televisions, we acted immediatly! In the interest of public 'safety' a hundred thousand dishes, and a like number of computors, and Tv's have been 'voluteerily' turned in to the proper authorities and boy what a 'scrape' drive this has been! We now have enough dishes to melt down, which will be used to build the first ever Iranion 'aircraft carrior'. We never before had wheels on our airplanes, but Now we will be able to move them from one airfield to another, just as soon as we can find some wheels for the 'carrior'. Thank you our wonderful spirited, loyal citizens! We also collected a Huge, Huge, pile of Right Hands, and left Feet in the process. It is amazing the things our wonderful fans of our enlightned government will 'volunteer' to donate for the good of the cause.
It has also been reported that our misguided citizens have been telling Jokes which cause them to Laugh and be Happy.  Oh, This will never do!  Blasphamy!  Our 'Joke Police' will be dispatched to discover these foolish people.  We anticipate a goodly stockpile of wagging tongues to be volunteered by our civic minded citizens as a result of This investigation.  Oh what a joyful country we live in!  We encourage Americans, especially 'Christians' to visit our dusty little country so that you can see first 'hand' our many happy ways of life here.  Praise be!'  :/ 


Iran destroys 100,000 satellite dishes in crackdown

AFP•July 24, 2016

Tehran (AFP) - Iran destroyed 100,000 satellite dishes and receivers on Sunday as part of a widespread crackdown against the illegal devices that authorities say are morally damaging, a news website reported.

The destruction ceremony took place in Tehran in the presence of General Mohammad Reza Naghdi, head of Iran's Basij militia, who warned of the impact that satellite television was having in the conservative country.

"The truth is that most satellite channels... deviate the society's morality and culture," he said at the event according to Basij News.

"What these televisions really achieve is increased divorce, addiction and insecurity in society."

Naghdi added that a total of one million Iranians had already voluntarily handed over their satellite apparatuses to authorities.

Under Iranian law, satellite equipment is banned and those who distribute, use, or repair them can be fined up to $2,800 (2,500 euros).

Iranian police regularly raid neighbourhoods and confiscate dishes from rooftops.

Culture Minister Ali Jannati pleaded on Friday for a revision of the law.

"Reforming this law is very necessary as using satellite is strictly prohibited, but most people use it," Jannati said.

"This means that 70 percent of Iranians violate the law" by owning satellite dishes, he added.

Naghdi criticised Jannati's comments and said those in charge of cultural affairs "should be truthful with people rather than following what pleases them".

"Most of these satellite channels not only weaken the foundation of families but also cause disruptions in children's education and children who are under the influence of satellite have improper behaviour," Naghdi said.

There are dozens of foreign-based Farsi satellite channels broadcasting mostly news, entertainment, films and series.

Conservatives regularly denounce the channels as an attempt to corrupt Iranian culture and Islamic values.

Moderate President Hassan Rouhani, whose four-year mandate ends in June 2017, has repeatedly said that the ban on satellite dishes is unnecessary and counterproductive.

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