Sunday, July 31, 2016

Oppps! Did I Say That?

'Oooppps! Did I say that? Was that Me? Were my lips moving? Are you Sure it came from my Mouth? You Know I am well Known for speaking out of both orifices, maybe, just Maybe, it was the Other one...You Know...down There. Now I'm not saying I didn't Say what you Think you heard me 'say' to that guy, but I'm not gonna deny that perhaps I Did Think to myself what you think you may have heard that I might have said with one of my orifices. Hey, I say a Lot of things. Lot...s! Mostly gibberish and nonsensical stuff. Stuff! Crazy stuff! When my brain starts moving, my lips start running, if I had any Real sense my feet would do the same thing and get me outta here! You know, I'm willing to sacrifice 'something' to even things up. How about I give up my lunch at the Clubhouse one day next year? See? That's just the way I am, always ready to give up something for practically nothing. Hey, that guy whining about his son. How about that! No gratitude! None! Crybaby! Oh, there I go Again. Yap, yap, yap goes my gold plated mouth, chatter, chatter, chatter goes my silver lined tongue, rattle, rattle, rattle goes my mostly empty head. But you know What? I won't be nearly Anything like this when I'm the 'Leader' of the free world. I'm just putting on a 'front'. You know, just a facade. This is the way you make friends of your enemies. I'm making So many 'friends'. I am loved and respected by just about know, those 'sheep' who can't think for themselves, those folks who are scared of their own shadows, those sillies who believe everything I tell them. Love! They love me! 'Crazy' about me! Uh-oh, was that Me again? Here's some little advice to think about if you vote for Me. A Wasted Vote is one you cannot get back, and will have to live with for the next four, longer than life, years.'  :/

Donald Trump to Father of Fallen Soldier: 'I’ve Made a Lot of Sacrifices'

PHOTO: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally, July 28, 2016, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. PlayEvan Vucci/AP Photo
WATCH Trump to Gold Star Father: 'I've Made a Lot of Sacrifices'

In his first response to a searing charge from bereaved Army father Khizr Khan that he’d “sacrificed nothing” for his country, Donald Trump claimed that he had in fact sacrificed by employing “thousands and thousands of people.” He also suggested that Khan’s wife didn’t speak because she was forbidden to as a Muslim and questioned whether Khan’s words were his own.
"Who wrote that? Did Hillary's script writers write it?" Trump said in an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos. "I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard."
On the last night of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, Gold Star father Khizr Khan, his wife Ghazala by his side, recounted to the crowd how his son was killed in 2004 by a car bomb in Iraq.
Khan also chastised Trump for seeking to ban Muslims from entering the country, saying that his son, U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, would not have been able to serve under a Trump presidency.
“Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America,” Khan said, addressing Trump. “You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one.”
Trump appeared to try to brush the speech aside, saying that Khan “was, you know, very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me.”
Trump also said, "If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
This appears to be Trump tipping his hat to some on far-right wing and nationalist Twitter, who have suggested that Ghazala Khan was silent during her husband’s speech because they are Muslim that Khizr Khan prohibits his wife from speaking.
In an interview with ABC today, Ghazala said she did not speak because she was "in pain."
"Please. I am very upset when I heard when he said that I didn't say anything. I was in pain. If you were in pain you fight or you don't say anything, I’m not a fighter, I can't fight. So the best thing I do was quiet," Ghazala said.
Khizr Khan said he asked his wife of 42 years to speak, but she declined, knowing she would be too emotional.
"I invited her, would you like to say something on the stage when the invitation came, and she said, 'You know how it is with me, how upset I get,'" he said.
Pressed by Stephanopoulos to name the sacrifices he’d made for his country, Trump said: “I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've had tremendous success. I think I've done a lot.”
Trump also cited his work on behalf of veterans, including helping to build a Vietnam War memorial in Manhattan, and raising “millions of dollars” for vets.
Paul Rieckoff, the founder and CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, a non partisan group with close to 200,000 members, called Trump's comparison of his sacrifices with those of someone like Khan "insulting, foolish and ignorant."
"For anyone to compare their 'sacrifice' to a Gold Star family member is insulting, foolish and ignorant. Especially someone who has never served himself and has no children serving," Rieckoff said. "Our county has been at war for a decade and a half and the truth is most Americans have sacrificed nothing. Most of them are smart and grounded enough to admit it."

A Dictators Job Is Never Done

'A Dictators Job Is Never Done'

   ' Boy, a 'little' coup certainly goes a Lonnnng way around Here! Just when I thought I was going to have to live with this stinking, decaying Democracy buzzard hanging around my sorry neck forever, the Autocratic Gods send me a boost out the hell of freedom, and western Democracy! Well, news alert my fellow Turkyians! Just go back to sleep, all is 'well', you are 'safe' in My hands. Any thoughts that you may have Ever had about the 'freedom' that Democracy brings was just a little nightmare, nothing to worry yourselves silly about. I had been wondering how I was going to 'clean house' around here without causing a big scene doing it. And wouldn't you Know, along comes a silly little coup attempt that has given me cartblanche to lop off as many heads as I want to. all in the name of 'preserving democracy' in our crazy little country. Oh my, my, so many heads to roll, so many purges to conduct, so many innocent people to trample, so many 'freedoms' to adjust. I'm thinking of changing the name of my country to  'Little North Korea'.
Must make a list and check it twice, see who's been naughty, and who's been nice? Oooo....there's been a Lot of Badies! Lets see now, must make priorites, who to supress first, hmmmm....oh yeah, Teachers, and Educators, Professors, that's an easy group to weed out, way too smart for their pants! I bet Somewhere in that group there's one or two that taught some of the Real coup members back when they were children. Lesson 'learned' there! Ahhhh....Church leaders, now There's a guilty bunch if I ever saw any. School Crossing Guards! Ha! Round'em up, they probably know the names of 'guilty' teachers! Hospital workers, Doctors, Nurses, no doubt they treated some of the wounded coup members, round'em up! And not to mention the Military, which I have just barely begun to rake over the coals of hellfire! And of course there's the Police! They All will squeel like roasting pigs! Judges, and lawyers! It's doubtful any of Them even Attempted to stop the coup! They'll give up the 'guilty' policemen! Christian Ministers, and lax western leaning Clerics! They'll give up their parishners. Lets see their Democratic loving Gods save then Now!
Oh, I am So excited! Even when I was a young boy I dreamed of being a Dictator of my Own country! And Now Look! My day has finally arrived! No one can stop me Now! The EU, and NATO can just kiss my radicalized Islamic butt! 'Freedom' is just another word for 'Western Thought'! I have suspended 'Democracy' and substituted it with my Own Personal interpretation of it, called 'Total Dictatorship'! Oh, This is So Fun! I think I'm sweating in my skivies with such excitement! Look how they fear me now, look how they cower under my dictatorial thumb! Worms! I Now have my own little country where I can do absolutly Anything to Anyone that I wish. And believe you Me, I Wish greatly! No one can stop me now! I'm un-touchable! Un-approachable! Un-appreciated! And not a Little un-hinged, some say! I'll get Them too! I will soon, and you can mark my dictator like words on this, become a very sore Thorn in the sides of Any 'Real' Democratic Country, especially Any EU or NATO member who thinks that I will 'fear' repurcussions due to my little 'Purge', and total destruction of Democracy in my personal little fifedom of Turkey, AKA 'Little North Korea'. Oh, and our stupid 'Ally' the United States? You will pay dearly for this little act. And Germany? I will cause your country to turn upside down, and your infidels will burn in the hell I have created for you. Radicalized Islam will soon be the rule of 'Law and Order' here, and There. Thanks be to all the foolish near sighted citizens who heeded my call during the attempted coup, those same unwitting souls are Now my very 'prisoners' who have no avenue of escaping my seriously out of control wrath.
Well, must continue making my list of victims, er...'guilty' parties that is. Lets see now, Relatives, friends, shop owners, farmers, brick layers...Hmmm...actually Any person who can read and write, or even put a complete sentence together, or think for themselves...yeah, Those are Very dangerous people indeed, not to be trusted! Must Install ignorant, brainwashed, mortally scared Puppets in the now vacant positions of the thousands of innocents arrested and purged. This country does Not need educated people, they are dangerous to My form of 'democracy'..must make a list..must check it twice..or three times even...busy, busy....a proper dictators job is never done, must learn to sleep with one eye open...must learn to Mindread, and tell the future...busy,busy...'. :/ :/ :/

World | Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:18pm EDT

Turkey culls nearly 1,400 from army, overhauls top military council

ANKARA/ISTANBUL, Turkey Turkey dismissed nearly 1,400 more members of its armed forces and stacked the top military council with government ministers on Sunday, moves designed by President Tayyip Erdogan to put him in full control of the military after a failed coup.The scale of Erdogan's crackdown - more than 60,000 people in the military, judiciary, civil service and schools have been either detained, suspended or placed under investigation since the July 15-16 coup - has unnerved Turkey's NATO allies, fuelling tension between Ankara and the West.
Adding to the acrimony, Turkey's EU Affairs minister hit out at Germany on Sunday after its constitutional court upheld a ban on Erdogan making a televised address to a rally of pro-government Turks in Cologne.
The new wave of army expulsions and the overhaul of the Supreme Military Council (YAS) were announced in the official state gazette just hours after Erdogan said late on Saturday he planned to shut down existing military academies and put the armed forces under the command of the Defence Ministry.
According to the gazette, 1,389 military personnel were dismissed for suspected links to the Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen, who is accused by Turkey of orchestrating the failed putsch. Gulen, who lives in self-imposed exile in the United States, has denied the charges and condemned the coup.
It comes after an announcement last week that more than 1,700 military personnel had been dishonourably discharged for their role in the putsch, which saw a faction of the military commandeer tanks, helicopters and warplanes in an attempt to topple the government.
About 40 percent of Turkey's generals and admirals have been dismissed since the coup, in which Erdogan says 237 people excluding the plotters were killed and more than 2,100 wounded.
The government also said its deputy prime ministers and ministers of justice, the interior and foreign affairs would be appointed to YAS. The prime minister and defence minister were previously the only government representatives on the council.
They will replace a number of military commanders who have not been reappointed to the YAS, including the heads of the First, Second, and Third Armies, the Aegean Army and the head of the Gendarmerie security forces, which frequently battle Kurdish militants in the southeast. The changes appear to have given the government commanding control of the council.
Erdogan, who narrowly escaped capture and possible death on the night of the coup, told Reuters in an interview on July 21 that the military, NATO's second-biggest, needed "fresh blood".

German media said authorities had decided to bar Erdogan from addressing a rally via videoconference in the city of Cologne on Sunday due to concerns over public order, prompting an angry response from Turkey's EU Affairs Minister Omer Celik.

"German Constitutional Court's decision on the anti-coup rally in Cologne is an utter backsliding in freedom of speech and democracy," he said in English on Twitter.
Germany is home to Europe's largest ethnic Turkish diaspora.
The rally in Cologne, in which Turks waved national flags and pictures of Erdogan, was one of several planned on Sunday in European as well as Turkish cities and towns.
Erdogan has upbraided Western leaders for not visiting Turkey since the coup. He said it was "shameful" that some in the West seemed more concerned about the fate of the plotters than in standing with a fellow NATO member.
The aggressive military purges come at a time when the armed forces is stretched by fighting with Kurdish insurgents in southeast Turkey and threats from Islamic State militants on its border with Syria. Four soldiers were killed by the Kurdish militants on Sunday in two separate incidents, officials said.
Turkey's military is taking part in the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Its Incirlik Air Base is used by coalition forces for missions against Islamic State.
Security was tight in the immediate area around Incirlik on Sunday, Turkish security sources said, before an expected visit by the U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford.
While there were rumours on social media that security forces were at the ready on worries about another coup attempt, a U.S. military spokesman at the base said they had not seen an increased Turkish police presence.
"It's business as usual here," he said, without giving his name. "We are not seeing anything like that."
Incirlik has seen some scattered protests in the days since the coup as pro-government supporters have called on the United States to extradite Gulen. Washington says it will only do so if it receives clear evidence of Gulen's involvement in the coup.
Dunford's visit comes at a delicate time for Turkey's relations with the United States, given Erdogan's constant demands for Gulen's extradition.

With mass purges of suspected Gulen supporters well underway in all state institutions, the media and some private companies, the Turkish Football Federation said on Sunday all its affiliated boards had resigned for the sake of "security checks". It said it was cooperating fully with the authorities.
Erdogan told broadcaster A Haber on Saturday that Gulen was a "pawn" being controlled by a greater power.
"There is a mastermind behind him. That mastermind is the one who took him to the United States and who helped him avoid any judicial process," he said.
Conspiracy theories have flourished in Turkey since the attempted coup, with one pro-government newspaper saying the putsch was financed by the CIA and directed by a retired U.S. army general using a cell phone in Afghanistan.
The United States has denied any involvement and any prior knowledge of the coup attempt.
Erdogan has said that Gulen harnessed his extensive network of schools, charities and businesses, built up in Turkey and abroad over decades, to create a "parallel state" that aimed to take over the country.
The government is now going after Gulen's network of schools and other institutions abroad. Since the coup, Somalia has shut two schools and a hospital believed to have links to Gulen, and other governments have received similar requests from Ankara, although not all have been willing to comply.
In an unexpected move, Erdogan has said that as a one-off gesture, he would drop all lawsuits filed against people for insulting him. He said the decision was triggered by feelings of "unity" against the coup attempt.
It could also be aimed at silencing his Western critics.
Prosecutors have opened more than 1,800 cases against people for insulting Erdogan since he became president in 2014 after serving as prime minister for 11 years. Those targeted include journalists, cartoonists and even children.

(Additional reporting by Gulsen Solaker in Ankara, Humeyra Pamuk, Ayla Jean Yackley and Daren Butler in Istanbul and Seyhmus Cakan in Diyarbakir; Writing by David Dolan; Editing by Gareth Jones and Richard Balmforth)

Friday, July 29, 2016

Trumps 'Hit' List

'Grrrrrrr...Did you hear what those childish, crybaby, loaded diaper, Democrats said about me last night? Did You!? Hey, I'm Talking to you! Lsten up when I speak! I'm your next President! But really, did you hear them? How dare they talk about Me! I don't talk 'bad' about Them! Don't do it. Never did! But when my back is turned they really let me have it! "..I don't like what they're saying because a lot of it is lies. Not all of it but a lot of it is..". Stupid liars! Makes me Soooo Mad! I'm angry! I just can't control my anger at All! I really want to make them sorry! And they Will be! I want to hit one of'em! "I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy,... I was going to hit this guy so hard his head would spin, he wouldn't know what the hell happened." And when I say the word "hit", you better believe that I'm not talking about 'talking' bad about him, you Know exactly what I mean! 'Hit', look it up folks! Yeah, that's the way I deal with these 'Little' people who say bad things about me, and it doesn't matter if what they Say just happens to be True or not. I really like bullying the 'little guy'. Usually they don't have enough money to sue me so it's a cakewalk! I have taught stupid female reporters what it's like to tangle with me, and Sooner or later these badmouthing Democrats will taste my revenge. Especially when I'm elected President. They'll have no place to run and hide Then! This one guy "came out of nowhere....He made deals with me. 'Will you help me with this? Would you make this deal and solve the problem?' I solved the problem," and Now look at him. Just look! Disgusting! I hate beggars but I won't hate it when he's begging me to stop pounding him into dust! And I won't be doing It with 'Words' either! Of all my 'redeeming' qualities, my sense of Anger and Lack of self control are right there at the top! Of course I can't do anything right now "But every once in a while I still wake up, I say 'boy, I wanna, someday". That's right, I don't forget, and I don't forgive, it's just the angry little filthy rich, fairhaired, spoiled rotten, bully boy in me that never went away. I promise that when I'm elected President and Commander In Chief, that all the sniviling world 'leaders' out there had better mind their 'P's and Q's' when they are dealing with Me! I don't need 'friends', never had any, never will! And if they say mean things about Me, they will be Sorry Forever! Especially those jelly backboned NATO countries! All the time! Sorry! You see, this is why I'm incredibly suited to be the President of the United States of America. You ain't seen Nothing yet, Nothing. Nothing! This is just a drop in the bucket! I'm stronger than Anyone out there, I'm not afraid of Anyone, I can make peope Cry like little babies, I can even make people pee all over themselves. When I'm President, I'm gonna issue a Pee-Pot to everyone in the white House, The Senate, The Congress, Everyone gets one, and they'll have to carry it around with them everywhere they go just in case they run into Me! Me! Me! It's all about ME! I'm not gonna change, no matter what people may wis or think! This is ME, the real deal! Me! I Never change for the 'better'. This is what you Get when you 'get' me. Me! Everyone will fear me, the whole World will tremble in their boots at the mention of my wonderful name, and come crawling on their hands and knees to kiss my hand, just like I'm the Pope, just a meaner version of course. This is how I make 'friends' and influence ememies. This is what ignorant people want in their President, Not some weak-kneed, crybaby, lying, Female who can't even find all her Emails!
So remember to get out there and vote fo me, because if you don't, I won't forget it! You don't want to be on my 'to get 'hit' list'!
Remember, a wasted Vote is a Vote you'll have to live with for the next FOUR, long, miserable, and seemingly never ending years. :/ :/



Trump says he would like to 'hit' DNC speakers who disparaged him

  • At a rally in Iowa, Trump said he wanted to 'hit' some DNC speakers who criticized him
  • The four-day Democratic Convention has featured a series of speakers attacking the GOP nominee
Davenport, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump, after hearing speeches at the Democratic convention this week, said Thursday he wanted to "hit a number of those speakers so hard, their heads would spin."
"They'd never recover," he said.
Trump often uses the term "hit" to mean verbally attack, rather than physical contact.
The Republican nominee zoomed in on one speaker especially, though he didn't mention his name.
"I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy," Trump said to laughs at a campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa. "I was going to hit this guy so hard his head would spin, he wouldn't know what the hell happened."
Trump said this individual "came out of nowhere" and had done work with Trump in the past. "He made deals with me. 'Will you help me with this? Would you make this deal and solve the problem?' I solved the problem," Trump said.
His campaign did not respond to a request asking to clarify who Trump was talking about.
Several speakers this week have gone after Trump in Philadelphia, including Michael Bloomberg. The former New York City mayor made a surprise endorsement over the weekend for Hillary Clinton, and described Trump in his DNC speech Wednesday night as a "dangerous demagogue."
Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine also targeted Trump, mocking the businessman's tendency to accentuate his promises with a plea of "believe me."
"He said a lot of things about me, I never met the guy," Trump said. "I mean the things that were said about me. I mean, should I go through some of the names?"
Trump recalled telling a friend this week that he wanted to retaliate against the people who slammed him at the convention, mentioning current New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio by name.
"I was going to say that de Blasio is the worst mayor in the history of the city, but I didn't say it," Trump said to laughs. "He's a terrible mayor. I was going to say that, but now I won't say it."
Trump said his friend, who he labeled a "very great governor," urged him to stay focused on attacking Clinton, not other Democrats.
"He said, 'Don't hit there. Don't hit down. You have one person to beat. It's Hillary Rodham Clinton,'" Trump recalled, adding that he initially objected to the advice. "I said, 'But I really want to. I don't like what they're saying because a lot of it is lies. Not all of it but a lot of it is.' I said, 'I just really ... it makes me feel good.' "
Ultimately, he said, he conceded and decided not to launch into verbal assaults against the Democrats.
"But every once in a while I still wake up, I say 'boy, I wanna,'" Trump said, growling as he stopped himself from saying more. "Someday!"

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Oooooo...Those Evil, Dirty Dishes!

    'Yes, we have totally destroyed thousands of these unsightly, evil, mind altering thingies. All of a sudden these purveyors of worldly information, and filth, were popping up all Over the place. Rumor has it that our misguided citizens were actually watching movies that dipicted Women with their Hair, god forbide, and ankles in plain view! There were even reports of Music and Happiness being sho...wn! May Allah forgive them! "What these televisions really achieve is increased divorce, addiction and insecurity in society."
Forgiveness will come After a good dose of proper mind cleansing treatment, and punishment for their transgressions. Nomads were even mounting them on their camels humps! We instructed the 'satellite police' to investigate this ungodly apparition and to root out the evil behind it. Praise be to Allah! Oh yes, and when they reported back that somehow these harbingers of truth were mysteriously connected to our misinformed citizens computors, and televisions, we acted immediatly! In the interest of public 'safety' a hundred thousand dishes, and a like number of computors, and Tv's have been 'voluteerily' turned in to the proper authorities and boy what a 'scrape' drive this has been! We now have enough dishes to melt down, which will be used to build the first ever Iranion 'aircraft carrior'. We never before had wheels on our airplanes, but Now we will be able to move them from one airfield to another, just as soon as we can find some wheels for the 'carrior'. Thank you our wonderful spirited, loyal citizens! We also collected a Huge, Huge, pile of Right Hands, and left Feet in the process. It is amazing the things our wonderful fans of our enlightned government will 'volunteer' to donate for the good of the cause.
It has also been reported that our misguided citizens have been telling Jokes which cause them to Laugh and be Happy.  Oh, This will never do!  Blasphamy!  Our 'Joke Police' will be dispatched to discover these foolish people.  We anticipate a goodly stockpile of wagging tongues to be volunteered by our civic minded citizens as a result of This investigation.  Oh what a joyful country we live in!  We encourage Americans, especially 'Christians' to visit our dusty little country so that you can see first 'hand' our many happy ways of life here.  Praise be!'  :/ 


Iran destroys 100,000 satellite dishes in crackdown

AFP•July 24, 2016

Tehran (AFP) - Iran destroyed 100,000 satellite dishes and receivers on Sunday as part of a widespread crackdown against the illegal devices that authorities say are morally damaging, a news website reported.

The destruction ceremony took place in Tehran in the presence of General Mohammad Reza Naghdi, head of Iran's Basij militia, who warned of the impact that satellite television was having in the conservative country.

"The truth is that most satellite channels... deviate the society's morality and culture," he said at the event according to Basij News.

"What these televisions really achieve is increased divorce, addiction and insecurity in society."

Naghdi added that a total of one million Iranians had already voluntarily handed over their satellite apparatuses to authorities.

Under Iranian law, satellite equipment is banned and those who distribute, use, or repair them can be fined up to $2,800 (2,500 euros).

Iranian police regularly raid neighbourhoods and confiscate dishes from rooftops.

Culture Minister Ali Jannati pleaded on Friday for a revision of the law.

"Reforming this law is very necessary as using satellite is strictly prohibited, but most people use it," Jannati said.

"This means that 70 percent of Iranians violate the law" by owning satellite dishes, he added.

Naghdi criticised Jannati's comments and said those in charge of cultural affairs "should be truthful with people rather than following what pleases them".

"Most of these satellite channels not only weaken the foundation of families but also cause disruptions in children's education and children who are under the influence of satellite have improper behaviour," Naghdi said.

There are dozens of foreign-based Farsi satellite channels broadcasting mostly news, entertainment, films and series.

Conservatives regularly denounce the channels as an attempt to corrupt Iranian culture and Islamic values.

Moderate President Hassan Rouhani, whose four-year mandate ends in June 2017, has repeatedly said that the ban on satellite dishes is unnecessary and counterproductive.

The SLAVES Had It Made

'Boy, how 'bout those Slaves that 'volunteered' to help build the White House! "Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor". Those guys really had it 'made'! No wonder they were having babies left and right all the time! Meat and potatoes will keep the meat on your stolen bones for sure! And you know what else? T...hey were treated 'good' too! It was probabl;y against the law to mistreat a person who had been stolen from their mother country, ripping them away from their families, packed skin to skin in the holds of rat infested slavers, sold on the auction block like so many cattle, and then held in bondage for the rest of their very lives, and Then their Children 'inherited' slavery of their Own. So, yeah, the Government made sure that they would not be mistreated much more than usual while laboring sun-up to sun-down while building the White House. And you know what Else? I bet they lived in better 'housing', and got better wages than regular white people at the time, sorta like Nowadays . That's just the way it was back then. Slaves were doing pretty good for themselves back then. No whiners in That bunch! Well, gotta go and stir up another ant hill, that's about the only way I get 'press' around here anymore. Should'a ran for President like my BFF Trump, 'The Man with the Plan!' :/ :/

Bill O’Reilly Says Slaves Who Built White House Were ‘Well-Fed and Had Decent Lodgings’

Bill O’Reilly Says Slaves Who Built White House Were ‘Well-Fed and Had Decent Lodgings’

Bill O’Reilly, the longtime Fox News host, responded to the speech made by Michelle Obama during the Democratic National Convention on Monday evening.
“I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves,” Obama said, referring to the White House. “I watch my daughters—two beautiful, intelligent, black young women—playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.”
Later, O’Reilly talked about her comment on a segment on his show, describing the conditions slaves faced while working on the White House.
“Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802,” he said. “However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well.”
It’s worth noting that the White House wasn’t exclusively built by slaves. Other laborers worked on it as well.
The White House Historical Association says that the government didn’t own slaves but hired them from slave owners.
“The D.C. commissioners, charged by Congress with building the new city under the direction of the president, initially planned to import workers from Europe to meet their labor needs. However, response to recruitment was dismal and soon they turned to African American—enslaved and free—to provide the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings,” it says.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Vlad, Call The Trump!

'“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,.. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Yep, That's Exactly what I said, and you know what, I hope they do it. Just do it! Hey, no one else has been able to do it. And Look, they were able to crack into those filthy Democrats emails, which by the way I had absolutly Nothing to do with, honest, cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, so I be...tcha they can find that crooked liers missing emails too. Maybe I'll have to put a little call in to my BFF, Vlad The Good. Man, I bet I'll get a Lot of positive 'press' off this little ditty! There's some Americans who still actually think that Russia should stay Out of American politics, and some folks want Me to repudiate my BFF, but you know what, “I’m not going to tell Putin what to do.” “Why should I tell Putin what to do?” My BFF?! And you know what? We Still don't 'know' who killed JFK. While the Russkies are at it, they might as well figure that one out as well. Figure it! Just do it! Do it! And while they're at it, they might as well figure who's buried in 'Grants' grave. And how about that President of ours. He Still can't prove where he was born! My BFF can figure That one out too! Oh, and there's Still people who actually believe that America landed a spacecraft on the Moon! Get a load of That one! Go at it Vlad!
Oh Sure, it may be a 'little' unorthodox for someone wonderful, and not a 'little great, like myself who's running for President of the United States to ask a foriegn power, such as our, or at Least My, best friend Russia to conduct a little 'spycraft' against our Own country, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get elected these days! It's not all that easy you know, and I sure a heck can't do it on my personality and Statesmanship alone. There's an old 'business' saying; 'If you ain't cheating, you ain't winning'. I Know how to get respect! You don't get it by being 'nice' or playing fair! If you think This is outlandish just wait til I'm elected Commander In Chief of this country! Talk about childish stuff! If you like childish, spoiled, baby faces I make Now, just wait until I'm face to face with a foriegn powers 'leader! I'm gonna make America 'great again', no, Really! You ain't seen Nothing yet! Nothing! Geez! It's not like I'm asking Russia to Attack us with a bunch of Mig 21's or something! I mean, Come On, we spy against Them all the time! A little tit-for-tat ain't gonna hurt 'Anyone', well, except maybe that crooked liar Hillary. What a liar! Unlike Myself who Never, Ever lies. Never! Lies! Me! Hardly ever! Seldom never...ever...Just remember one thing even if you forget Everything else; Remember that a Wasted Vote is a vote you may have to live with for Four Lonnnnng, miserable, seemingly never ending, years.'  :/ :/

The Fix

The many problems with Donald Trump’s call for Russia to spy on Hillary Clinton

T hack Clinton’s emails

Play Video1:14
 minee Donald Trump says it's 'far-fetched' and 'ridiculous' to say Russia hacked Dema president. (Reutnald Trump just walked into another political and foreign policy minefield of his own making.
Trump said Wednesday that he hopes a country that just happens to be one of the United States' most antagonistic fellow world powers — Russia — has or would obtain unreleased emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.
"They probably have her 33,000 emails, too. I hope they do," he said, adding later: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."
There are many, many potential problems with this scenario — and not just for Clinton's campaign, but also for U.S. national security. Indeed, the logical extension of his comments is that a foreign power would be deciding how to handle possibly sensitive information about a potential U.S. president.
And none other than Trump himself has suggested this kind of information could be used to "blackmail" Clinton.
First, a little background: Trump here is referring to approximately half of more than 60,000 emails on the private server that Clinton used as secretary of state and that were deleted because they were deemed "personal" and not turned over to State Department investigators. Republicans have cried foul over their deletion.
Trump seemed to imply later Wednesday, in a tweet, that he simply wanted the emails to be turned over to the FBI, no matter who might obtain them.
But Trump's comments earlier Wednesday suggested Russia might hand the emails over to the news media, as WikiLeaks did with hacked Democratic National Committee emails last week. As it did with the committee, that could cause major problems — except this time for a former top U.S. diplomat who could soon be president.
And he has said previously in this campaign, without any evidence, that enemies of the United States "almost certainly" have accessed Clinton's emails and are using them to blackmail her. So he's clearly aware of that possibility.
FBI Director James B. Comey said in rebuking Clinton's use of the email server earlier this month that it's indeed possible the server had been accessed — but that there was no evidence yet that it had happened.
"Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton's personal email account," he said.
Trump's aim here seems to be highlighting that Clinton deleted her emails, full stop. If Russia can find them, after all, maybe they will come to light, he seems to suggest.
But that scenario could also very plausibly lend itself to the kind of cyberespionage — blackmail or otherwise — that Trump has already alleged Clinton is being subjected to.
The emails were deemed personal and should not contain classified information. Yes, but many work-related emails Clinton said did not contain classified information were later proven by the FBI to have contained some. And even if the information is all personal in nature, that could be used against Clinton, too.
Trump, of course, has gone far outside the mainstream on foreign policy before. He has basically said he might unilaterally pull the United States out of its obligation to defend other members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) when they are attacked, if they don't foot more of the bill for the organization.
"We’re talking about countries that are doing very well," he told the New York Times last week. "Then yes, I would be absolutely prepared to tell those countries, 'Congratulations, you will be defending yourself.'"
The comment earned stern rebukes from all sides of the U.S. foreign-policy debate and foreign leaders. The message it sends to allies, experts said, is that the United States can't be trusted to honor its foreign commitments — which would be a major problem for the United States' standing in the world and for maintaining and building relationships with allies.
So Trump is clearly not abiding by the standard protocol of U.S. officials who talk carefully about foreign policy.
But Wednesday's comments ratchet things up even more. Even as he contended that he's not the preferred candidate of Russia — as Democrats have alleged and Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested — he's now hoping Russia has potentially damaging information about a possible U.S. president.
That's stunning. And while Trump did not say he wants Russia to use those emails for blackmail or espionage purposes, his previous comments make clear it's a possibility he's very well aware of.

Monday, July 25, 2016

'RHYMELESS', A poem by BuddyBlack July 2016

A poem by BuddyBlack July 2016

The words...
That do not
Fill and clutter
My mind.
I've searched,
And searched,
But still
Can't find
Two simple words
That tend
To rhyme.
The poetic pen
I often
Is void
Of rhyme,
And dry
Of muse.
So here
I'll sit,
And quitely
Perhaps my mind
Will take
The bait,
And send
me words
That often rhyme,
I loose
My rhymeless
Mind.   ;)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

David Duke, Speaks for White Europeans

    'Surprise!!  And here you thought that I had slithered back under that good ol' boy 'bigot' rock never to be heard from again. Well, let me assure you that just like when you flush, and just when you thought that the job was done, up floats some more and you gotta flush again, that's Me, I'm Baaaack!
But really folks, This is the 'new' me. I am not wearing my freshly pressed sheet under this facade of political 'respectability'. There's no 'burning cross' right Now in my backyard, and I don't even Remember how to properly tie a doggone Lynching Noose! Ahhhh, the 'good ol' days'. I 'really' don't have Any 'connection' to that peaceful Christain social club, the KKK, and besides, they have always been just a loose-knit, non-violent bunch of good ol' boys out just to have a fun Christian time. I even have some negro friends that I 'hang' out with all the time. And I'm pretty sure that I don't have any bigot tats anywhere on my perfect Aryan white body, only my 'tat' artist knows for sure. Oh sure, waaaay back in the good ol' days when I was young and not Much dumber than I am now, I might have 'hung', oppps pardon that 'word', out with some nefarious fellows who might have been just a bit intolerant of anything not 'white'. And yes, I might have lit more than a Few holy crosses here and there. And yes, of Course, I might have espoused vitrile hatred and disgust of negroes, mexicans, and anyone Else not pretty and White like myself. Did I mention that my blood is 100% white Aryan blood? Ain't no 'mix'in' going on in My family heritage. And it may be true that I fomented more than a Little violence towards un-white folks hither and yon, and Sure, some folks were probably hurt or Worse because of it. But hey, does that make me a 'bad guy'. Come On already! Forgive and Forget! That's all in the recent past folks! It's gone! 'Blood' under the bridge, so to speak. Old 'history'! Get Over it already! Forget about all those youthful indiscretion of my recent past! I'm an 'adult' now, and Now I do 'adult' indiscretions.
And speaking of 'Now', listen to This. I think “the 'climate' of this country has moved in my direction”. Yep, right in My personal direction! Boy, what good times we're gonna have Now! “I believe my time has come, The people of this country, the patriotic, decent, God-fearing people of this country are now right with me.” Americans are “embracing the core issues I have fought for my entire life.” And of course you 'know' what those 'core issues' have Always been, wink, wink. My personal hero, and Now my WBFF (white BFF) 'President In Begging' Donald Trump and I think along the very same lines when it comes to un-white people, and I think you Know what I mean here. He 'speaks' for 'all' of us! And when I say 'Us', you know what I'm talking about here. Boy, we sure could'a used him back in the recent good ol' days when it was the going thing to do what we liked to do, just for 'fun'. But hey, that's not me 'now'. No, Really, not at all....really. I have changed my 'stripes'. I have shed myself of all that hatred. I'm not even a bigot anymore. Just ask my negro friends over in the 'quarters'. All I wanna do Now is get elected, and be a good ol' boy Louisiana Senator where I can 'speak for' all 'Europeans' and stop this hateful discrimination of white folks. Mr. Trump has successfully turned this country onto its head so that its bigoted underbelly is in plain view. And it ain't a pretty sight folks! Look how ugly Other politicians are with all this spiteful name calling, hateful insults and terrible hair styles. Mr. Trump alone stands above all that filth, and will fight tooth and nail to make America white, and right again. And that's where I come in! I still have ignorant, bigoted followers who are still angry and willing to fight for the 'white right'. They've been impatiently waiting for their Own hero, Me, to step up to the plate, and take a swing with my Aryan bat at anything not white. There's “massive racial discrimination going on right now against European Americans,” and I'm the guy that's gonna stop all that nonsense.
So, white America, especially you white Louisiana voters, especially those of you who are totally ignorant of my past and recent racial hatred beliefs, or even if you are just totally Ignorant in general, those of you who are wishing that America could be White again just like it used to be, and Should be now, those of you who are bigoted and racially intolerant, come on down and cast your vote for the guy who's gonna 'set you free'. After all, if Mr.Trump can fool enough people to vote for Him, then I'm a shoo-in for Sure, or my names not David Duke, no relation to 'Daisey Duke' by the way!' :/ :/


Ex-KKK leader Duke tries political comeback in US Senate run

BATON ROUGE, La. — A quarter century after his credible run for governor of Louisiana rattled the national political establishment, white supremacist David Duke has jumped into the crowded competition for a U.S. Senate seat in his home state, receiving rebuke from Republicans who don’t want him running on a ballot as a member of their party.
Duke — once an avowed Nazi sympathizer who headed a Ku Klux Klan group — fell back into relative obscurity after losing a 1991 runoff to scandal-scarred Democrat Edwin Edwards.
A follow-up presidential run from Duke went nowhere, and 10 years later, he pleaded guilty to bilking supporters in 2002 and spent a year in federal prison, although he later declared he did nothing wrong. He had occasional run-ins with authorities in Europe, such as the time he was detained by Czech authorities in 2009 on suspicion of denying the Holocaust.
On Friday, however, he declared “the climate of this country has moved in my direction,” as he registered to run on the Nov. 8 ballot as a Republican for the Senate seat being vacated by David Vitter. Duke said he was partially spurred by the recent shooting deaths of three law enforcement officers by a black man.
“I believe my time has come,” he said after submitting his paperwork. He added: “The people of this country, the patriotic, decent, God-fearing people of this country are now right with me.”
Duke said he’s espoused principles for years that are similar to the themes Republicans are now supporting in Donald Trump’s campaign, on issues such as immigration and trade.
He said Americans are “embracing the core issues I have fought for my entire life.”
Earlier, his announcement had appeared on his website, nudging down links to pages decrying “Zionist terror” and the “Jewish Supremacist Role in anti-European Movements.”
Duke, 66, was associated with neo-Nazi groups as a student at LSU. He was grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s and headed a “white unity group” — the National Association for the Advancement of White People — in the 1980s. He is registered with the GOP, but Republicans at the state and federal level quickly denounced his Senate bid.
Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party “will play an active role in opposing” him, calling Duke a “hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party.” Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization “under any circumstance.”
The launch of Duke’s campaign comes as Louisiana grapples with deep racial tensions after the shooting death of a black man by white police officers and the killing of three law enforcement officers. Duke said he was “shattered” by the slayings of police.
In a lengthy speech, Duke talked of the “massive racial discrimination going on right now against European Americans,” and what he called a biased media working against him. He called the Black Lives Matter movement a “terrorist organization” and said he wanted equal rights for everyone.
“You don’t come together by a narrative in the controlled media that white people are evil and black people are faultless. You come together on the idea that every people in this country have a right to respect, every people have a right to fairness,” he said.
Duke is among two dozen candidates seeking the open Senate seat. Republican and Democratic opponents sought to distance themselves from Duke’s campaign, with many offering critical statements of his candidacy.
Duke reacted angrily Friday to a question about whether he remained involved with the KKK. He said he was active with the organization for four years in the mid-1970s. He described it as “four decades ago in a nonviolent group.”
The man who beat him in that historic 1991 governor’s race, Edwards said Duke would have a “hard row to hoe” in the upcoming election but there might be a “niche” for him.
“There’s a great deal of racial unrest in the country, and he may capitalize on it,” Edwards said.
Raymond Jetson, an African-American pastor in Baton Rouge who was a state lawmaker during Duke’s tenure, said Duke can potentially thrive with the national political scene currently so divided.
“You have a climate that ... highlights and stresses the divisions within us, a climate that in so many ways has a strong racial overtone and challenge to it,” Jetson said.