Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Grandstanding Serial Liar, Lies Again

Every single American who cares about our Nation should care just as much, or even more, about the fact that we have a President who thinks absolutely nothing about his egotistical grandstanding, and lying to not just Americans, but to the world as a whole.
It is a sad day when we cannot believe a single utterance that flows so freely from his lying lips. If we as a Democratic nation fail to evict this serial lar from our White House, and our lives, then he will be emboldened to continue destroying our political system, our Constitution, our Rule of Law, our environment, and our very Nation. He already fancies himself as the 'King' of America, and rules as if he is a 'dictator-in-waiting' hoping that we will simply tire of his 'Man-baby' antics and look the other way which would simply give him more license to lie his way into another term.
If we as a Democratic Nation allow, encourage, and enable this egomaniacal 'man-baby' to continue his de-construction of our nations ethics and core values, then we will all share the blame for what he does to us thereafter.

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President Donald Trump repeated a slew of false claims to an international…

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