Thursday, December 12, 2019

Crybaby 'Commander-In-Whine'

'WaaaaaBaaaWaaa! Why didn't they pick me, me, me, me!? She's just a girl! A spoiled rotten, entitled, whinny, big mouthed girl! She can't even vote yet! What were they thinking?? Who does that!? It's just not fair I tell you, not fair at all! What has she ever done for America? Nobody even knows her! I've done more to..err..I mean 'for' America than she can even dream of! I 'own' a whole nation! She owns nothing! I deserve to be on the cover, I really do. Honest I do! Everybody knows it! Did you see how mad she was when she went on, and on, and on at the UN? What a sad little girl! She'll never amount to anything! "So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!" She should be more like me!
This is why spoiled rotten, entitled children should not even be seen, and certainly not heard! There ought'a be a law! Disgusting brat! Failing Time Magazine must have ran out of common sense! No one reads that biased magazine anyway. Should have been me! Waaaa! Waaaaaa!'

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