Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The 'Lynchman' Commeth

A 'political' lynching, perpetrated by Trumps handpicked 'executioner' of human souls, Rudy, 'The Henchman', a man, masquerading as a human, clearly sans a soul of his own. "And all the Kings men..."

Rudolph Giuliani said in an interview that he briefed the president “a couple of times” about Marie Yovanovitch, the envoy to Ukraine, setting her recall in motion.
Rudolph Giuliani said in an interview

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Crybaby 'Commander-In-Whine'

'WaaaaaBaaaWaaa! Why didn't they pick me, me, me, me!? She's just a girl! A spoiled rotten, entitled, whinny, big mouthed girl! She can't even vote yet! What were they thinking?? Who does that!? It's just not fair I tell you, not fair at all! What has she ever done for America? Nobody even knows her! I've done more to..err..I mean 'for' America than she can even dream of! I 'own' a whole nation! She owns nothing! I deserve to be on the cover, I really do. Honest I do! Everybody knows it! Did you see how mad she was when she went on, and on, and on at the UN? What a sad little girl! She'll never amount to anything! "So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!" She should be more like me!
This is why spoiled rotten, entitled children should not even be seen, and certainly not heard! There ought'a be a law! Disgusting brat! Failing Time Magazine must have ran out of common sense! No one reads that biased magazine anyway. Should have been me! Waaaa! Waaaaaa!'

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Master of 'Doo'

'My reluctant fellow Americans, as you all very well know by now, 'flushing crap' is something that I have become quite the expert at. After turning your Nations Capital into the political cess pool of the world, that you know it as today, I can safely place my self atop my golden 'throne', and claim the revered title of 'crap master extraordinaire'.
Of course, I really have no idea at all about how many times Americans are flushing their toilets. Really. And if I've ever mad...e a 'true' statement, then that one might be the first. But, being the master of bullcrap it is my personal un-educated 'guess' that if all other Americans are like myself, then indeed they too are having to flush their, "toilets 10 times, 15 times," in order to get rid of all that self generated poop which if left unattended, as it has in your Nations Capital, would simply use up, by "flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times", all the available water in North America. Is that what you want? Is it?? Aren't you glad that your 'King' is concerned above all else that just like myself, you are needlessly flushing the end product of your very lives down the tube? Aren't you? Sure you are! Of course you are.
Now as for me, your verbally flatulent 'leader', I require the largest of toilets with the greatest volume of high pressure water to rid myself of all the crap I generate in your White House. And still, I must flush "10 times, 15 times". But as we all know, and as I have 'mentioned' many times to ad nauseum, I can do no wrong, rules do not apply to myself, and so if it takes 10 flushes or 15 flushes, I cannot be personally condemned for being above, and beyond, the rules of the land that my common subjects must adhere to. That's why I'm President, and you're not.
My job as your esteemed 'leader' is to make the lives of the manufacturing community easier to exist and profit no matter the consequence to your environment or your pitifully empty savings account. By making them manufacture things that will obviously save water, which in turn will save you from high water bills, just makes no sense to my huge brain, and if I, myself, have to flush "10 times, 15 times", or even more, then my huge brain tells me that all other Americans are doing the same.
Therefore, as your duly elected, and self anointed 'King' of America, and master of crap, bare none, I implore my 'EPA' (Environmental Pollution Agency) to order America's toilet makers to raise the water pressure, de-regulate the wasting of water, and construct toilets that do the job with a single flush. Remember, 'doo as I say, not as I do-doo'.'

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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Grandstanding Serial Liar, Lies Again

Every single American who cares about our Nation should care just as much, or even more, about the fact that we have a President who thinks absolutely nothing about his egotistical grandstanding, and lying to not just Americans, but to the world as a whole.
It is a sad day when we cannot believe a single utterance that flows so freely from his lying lips. If we as a Democratic nation fail to evict this serial lar from our White House, and our lives, then he will be emboldened to continue destroying our political system, our Constitution, our Rule of Law, our environment, and our very Nation. He already fancies himself as the 'King' of America, and rules as if he is a 'dictator-in-waiting' hoping that we will simply tire of his 'Man-baby' antics and look the other way which would simply give him more license to lie his way into another term.
If we as a Democratic Nation allow, encourage, and enable this egomaniacal 'man-baby' to continue his de-construction of our nations ethics and core values, then we will all share the blame for what he does to us thereafter.

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President Donald Trump repeated a slew of false claims to an international…

Waaaaa! Nobody Loves Him

'Waaaaa! I made 'funny' and now they are all making a big joke of me! How dare they, that's 'my' job! WaaaaWaaaaaa! Those meanies! Hey, it's not like shat my pull-ups or something, did I!? My brain is bigger than all of theirs put together. I'm so smart, there's stuff that I don't even know that I even know! I'll show them how smart I really am and tariff the hell out them, then they'll be sorry about making fun of the mentally defective! Nobody likes me, nobody loves me, I'm gonna go eat a bug! KellyAnn, quick, need pull-up change! Waaaaaa!' ;)


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President Trump slammed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday as "two faced" after video surfaced of some of the world's top leaders at the NATO summit in London appearing to laugh at his expense.