Tuesday, June 14, 2016


SACRAMENTO — In response to the shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub early Sunday morning, a California pastor praised the massacre, stating "they deserve what they got."
Forty-nine people died at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando after suspected gunman Omar Mateen, 29, of Fort Pierce, Fla., engaged in a shoot-out with police. An additional 53 people were injured. Mateen was killed by police.
A recording of the sermon, given by Pastor Roger Jimenez of Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, was posted to YouTube on Monday, the day after the tragedy.
In the video, Jimenez preached to his congregation that they should not be grieving the homosexual victims of the shootings, comparing those killed to pedophiles.

"Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?" asked Jimenez. "Um no. I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida, is a little safer tonight. The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is I’m kind of upset he didn’t finish the job — because these people are predators. They are abusers."
Initial reports said 50 people were killed at the nightclub. Law enforcement officials clarified Monday that 50 dead included the gunman.
Jimenez went on to criticize the government, saying he wished homosexuals would be put in front of a firing squad.
"I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out," Jimenez said.

Jimenez is clear to point out that the congregation should not advocate for killing gay people.
"You don't mourn the death of them. They deserve what they got. You reap what you sow. But we don't advocate it either. We're not calling people to arms — and if somebody goes out and says I'm going to go kill sodomites — you don't listen to those people. That's not what we're saying."
Jimenez did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
The video has since been removed from YouTube. A note on the video says it "has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech."

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