Thursday, June 23, 2016

"Make America White Again", says Rick Tyler

NewsFlash!!! Coming to you straight from our BBSN station right here in the Godly State of Tennessee. NEWSFLASH!!!

Our roving 'reporter' BuddyBlack (BB) is on assignment in the politically correct state of Tennessee where 'politicians' seem not to be bound by any moral or ethical boundries, and where speaking ones 'mind', if present at all, is a time honored and lilly-white heritage 'thing to do'.
Well, wouldn't you know that our dumpster diving 'reporter' BB, has jumped into a swill filled politicians 'dumpster' with both feet, and look Who he found doing the breatstroke there, none other than Rick Tyler (RT) who's running for a Congressional District seat in the little berg of Benton, Tennessee, and BB managed to get an up and personal one on one with the guy who wants to 'Make America White Again'.
Lets turn off our otherwise distracting and mind bending electronic devices, unless of course it's a pacemaker or some such lifesaving device, and listen in while BB gets to the bottom of this smelly saga;

BB: Ah, Mr.Tyler, how did I 'know' that I'd find you in such smelly accomodations. First, let me thank you...can you hear me through this gas mask..for meeting with me on such short notice.
RT: Sure thing BB, anytime you need me just look behind my restuarant, or even behind my congresional office, and I'll probably be flopping around in one of these things.
BB: I see that you are proposing that America should turn 'White' again.
RT: That's correct BB! America started out 'white' but over the years it has turned into a lot of other colours not so very 'white', you Know, sorta 'muddy' looking. We gotta get back on track here and change all that. You know, it's like you don't mix 'colours' with your 'white' things when you do your 'wash', 'cause you Know what happens Then!
BB: Now just for the 'record' Mr.Tyler, you Are totally 'White', that is, Caucasion, right? I mean Have you had a Real DNA profile done of yourself and of your 'forefathers', you know, to weed out any possible unwanted ethnical blood types that could come back as 'coloured' ghosts that would haunt the jibbies out of you? You Know, just to make sure that your 'laundry' hasn't been 'mixed' up at some point over the last 300 years or so.
RT: Well I don't need to do any of that hocus-pocus stuff! My daddy said that none of that Ever happened in Any of our family line and that's good enough for Me. I'm as white as the hair you see poking out from under my ball cap. Just look at my skinny little lips, my beady eyes, my knife like nose, my radar like ears, you see any 'laundry' snafus there? I'm as white as santa claus, white as Jesus Christ himself, and That how I want America to be, just like it used to be. 'Tyler maintains he does not hate people of color, but that he wants America to go back to a “1960s, 'Ozzie and Harriet,' 'Leave it to Beaver' time when there were no break-ins, no violent crime, no mass immigration.”
BB: Did you know that before the 'white' europeans shipwrecked on the shores of North America the country was inhabited, and Owned by the way, by Native aboriginies or Native Americans. There were No 'white' people prior to that event. And at that point began the 'melting pot' as America is commonly referred to nowadays. In other words folks were not to concerned about their 'laundry' getting mixed up here and there.
RT: You can believe what you want to but I bet you wont find any of that in the Bible! And anyway, none of my family Ever sinned with a person of any colour besides 'white'.
BB: I see that your hero's were 'Ozzie and Harriet' and that little guy 'Beaver' Cleaver from the '60's. You Do realize that those folks were 'made for TV' actors right? Sorta like a 'reality' show. Is That what you'd like America to be copied after, TV actors? Don't we have one running for President right now?
RT: That's right BB, but your also wrong about those folks. They were just as real as you or I. All Americans were just like them. There was No crime back then. People didn't shoot up each other with big guns, or rob people, or sell drugs. All that stuff started happening when those people of other 'colours' came into the picture and started selling drugs and shooting people.
BB: You mean they were selling drugs to 'white' people? Why would 'white' people buy drugs in the First place. Which came first, 'white' people, or drugs.
RT: That's right, there were no drugs, and no crime because 'white' people just don't Do that sort of thing. We believe in bigger things than drugs and sin.
BB: So, who's your most favorite 'hero' nowadays?
RT: That would be Mr.Donald Trump of course! He and I think exactly alike on all issues facing America. He's gonna be the best President Ever! I hope he notices me and lets me be his vice President. I'd rather be President but I'd make a good Vice as well because like Mr.Trump, I have the same moral values and ethical leanings as he does. What a great guy! Mr. Trump is Too! Did you know I can whistle without moving my lips? I can wiggle my ears without touching them!
BB: So Mr.Tyler, how do you propose to make "America White Again"?
RT: Mr.Trump has already answered that one for me.
BB: Do you like 'Black' people?
RT: I don't have anything against them, of course I have nothing For them either. I like people that can vote for me. Did I mention that I like 'White' people?
BB: Are you affiliated with the KU KLUX KLAN or any other racist hate group?
RT: I don;'t even 'know' what that Is. I affiliate myself with 'white' people who can vote, I don't ask who They may be affliated with.
BB: Are you a 'racist', are you a 'bigot', are you afraid of anyone who's not 'pure white' like yourself?
RT: Those words never 'enter' my mind, in fact I'd have to look'em up in a dictionary just to see what it 'means', but I'm pretty 'sure' that I'm none of those things. Yep, pretty 'sure'. Fairly certain. Yep. And as for being scared of things that's not 'white', I'm not sceered of nothing, you can't be scared of the 'truth', and I Am the 'truth', and that's why 'white' people will vote for me to whiten up America like it should be, or my name ain't Rick Tyler!
BB: Thank you Mr.Tyler, at first when I jumped into this steaming, smelly dumpster I thought you'd be seperate, above, and different from the rest of the swill and filth floating around in here, but I must concede, I was totally wrong.

And so ends just another saga in the life of a 'reporter' not afraid of even the 'whitest' of 'white' people no matter how deep in the dumpster they like to dive.
Join us sometime in the yet defined future when our fearless 'reporter', BB, puts a 'politicians' clueless butt on the dumpster grill and turns up the flame. ;) ;)



'Make America White Again' Sign Causes Controversy

Rick Tyler
A campaign billboard in Polk County, Tennessee, is causing a political storm and gaining national attention.
The sign appeared off Highway 411 near Benton and read “Make America White Again.” Independent candidate for the state’s 3rd Congressional District seat, Rick Tyler, is responsible for the sign.
Tyler maintains he does not hate people of color, but that he wants America to go back to a “1960s, 'Ozzie and Harriet,' 'Leave it to Beaver' time when there were no break-ins, no violent crime, no mass immigration.”

But many residents are uncomfortable with the sign, saying it does not reflect the views of the entire country, demanding it be removed.
After taking down the sign on June 21, Tyler defended the billboard, saying, “I respect their right to have an opinion. I believe the majority of the people in the county like it.”
"I saw people taking pictures beside it right after I posted it," added Tyler.
When WRCB asked Tyler if he feared for his safety, he responded, “I don't fear it. I welcome it, and I will respond with the application of truth."
Tyler then put up a second billboard on Highway 64 with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" quote written over a White House surrounded by Confederate Flags.
Tyler’s neighbor, Jimmy Johnson, told the New York Daily News the second sign was also taken down within hours because residents complained.
"Thankfully it’s down but there’s actually a lot of people who support him and are willing to vote for him as well," Johnson told New York Daily News.
Tyler, who owns a local restaurant, says he was inspired by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to create the slogan for his campaign in a post on his website, which has since been removed.
"Clearly we are in uncharted waters, in that there has never been a candidacy like this in modern political history. Of great significance, as well, is the reality of the Trump phenomenon and the manner in which he has loosened up the overall spectrum of political discourse," Tyler wrote, according to WTVC.
Sources: WRCB, New York Daily News, WTVC / Photo credit: WSMV via New York Daily News

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