Thursday, May 12, 2016

Don't Spray 'Til Ya See The Whites Of Their Eyes

It appears that the seemingly Homophobic 'good ol' boy' State of North Carolina is trying hard to out-do itself and those Other two states that have also contracted the 'homophobic virus', when it comes to fighting things that go 'bump' in the night, or 'bump' in the bathroom as in This particular case. Running like a herd of hysterical scardy-cats from self induced 'fear' of things that just might not matter, and after collectivly gathering all their grey matter into a common pool, well, Actually just a teaspoon, they have concluded that the female students can carry Pepper Spray to ward off the hoards of Male Students, disguised as females, 'invading' their restrooms. Of course there's no statistical evidence that this has ever occurred in the past but the school board thinks it's good to be 'pepper spray wise' than a pound foolish. Of course these scholors did not address the 'dangers' that the Male Students surely must face Themselves from the hoards of Female Students who no doubt will invade the Boys restroom in like fashion. 'Wisely', the schoolboard told the Male Students to just go ahead and do a little, or whatever it takes, 'homo bashing' first, and ask questions later. When asked about the great possiblility of Injuries and Civil and Criminal Lawsuits resulting from students blasting one another with school sanctioned pepper spray, their collective heads spun like so many little whirrlyjigs until they all just fell right over from the act of having to use actual common sense for a change. Drooling Civil Rights, and Criminal Trial Lawyers were seen jostling one another at the front door of the school tossing their business cards like confitti. Rumor has it that the students will soon be allowed to bring their 'personal use' firearms, as well as their Pittbull 'service' dogs onto campus just in the event that pepper spray proves ineffective.
At one time, just When that Was has been lost in time, the sticky tar heeled state 'appeared' to be moving right into the 21st century, that is until that states learned governor decided that he, and he alone, and Now with the homophobic school board aboard his creaky wagon, was self chosin to save North Carolina from the imagined evils of the rest of the planet. The good Gov' recently managed to protect possibly criminal and unethical businesses from snooping truth gatherers, and Now he has managed to 'protect' students from imagined evils while at the same time placing Others in danger of injury, and the school system in the sights of law suits. Well Done North Carolina, your citizens should be proud and standing tall, and ready to foot the Bill, and your gun shops selling pepper spray like those perverbial hot cakes. It seems that 2016 is the 'new' 1950's.  :/

NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOLS LET STUDENTS BRING PEPPER SPRAY TO CLASS — in case transgender students use bathrooms
   In fear of transgender people using the bathroom, the North Carolina school system has allowed high school students to bring pepper spray to campus.
(Chris Carlson/AP)
BY Alfred Ngfollow
Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 4:43 PM

School supplies for North Carolina students include: pens, paper and pepper spray.
As if North Carolina’s anti-LGBT bathroom laws weren’t enough, now one school district is allowing students to bring pepper spray on campus — to ward off any possible restroom intruders.
The ROWAN-SALISBURY Board of Education’s stinging decision will allow high school students to bring mace to class, out of fear transgender people will enter the bathrooms in violation of the state’s HB2 law.
“Depending on how the courts rule on the bathroom issues, it may be a pretty valuable tool to have on the female students if they go to the bathroom, not knowing who may come in,” board member Chuck Hughes said, according to the Salisbury Post.
STASI: Attitudes toward LGBT haven’t changed since Stonewall
School board members believe the blinding spray will help students fend off any transgender students coming into the bathroom.
(George Doyle/Getty Images)
North Carolina’s controversial stance against transgender bathroom use has caused severe backlash for the state, now locked in a legal battle with the U.S. Justice Department after the agency said its law violated civil rights.
While Gov. Pat McCrory fights to save his anti-LGBT law, the school system has come up with a temporary solution — letting students carry a blinding, burning and stinging liquid spray at all times.
While there have been cases in the past of people dying after getting pepper sprayed, the school board downplayrf the eye-burner, claiming a bottle of Windex or a laptop would cause more harm than mace, the local outlet reports.

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has been vehemently defending his state's anti-LGBT bathroom laws.
(Al Drago/AP)
“Having been pepper sprayed numerous times and being a school resource officer, the baseball bats that your baseball team brings everyday to school is a bigger weapon than a canister of pepper spray, that’s my thinking on it,” board member Travis Allen said, according to WBTV. “A chair from the cafeteria is a bigger weapon than a can of pepper spray, so that’s my thinking on that.”
The Rowan-Salisbury school district has more than 19,000 students, with eight high schools, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.
The school board emphasized that pepper spray should only be used defensively on campus.

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