Wednesday, May 18, 2016


JUST to prove that a 'religious', homophobic, intolerant, religious radical, narrow minded tunnel visioned bible thumping 'apple' does not fall far from its 'parent' tree, Anne Graham, the unfortunate daughter of God's BFF Billyboy multiMillionaire Graham, has discovered Why ISIS and Other misguided terriorists seem to dislike American infifels so much. Holding her 'scientific' guidebook with her blinged jewel incrusted hand she explains that; “Our nation seems to be shaking its fist in God’s face and telling him to get out of our politics, get out of our schools, get out of our businesses, get out of our marketplace, get off the streets,” she told conservative radio host Steve Deace, according to audio posted online by Right Wing Watch. “It’s just stunning to me the way we are basically abandoning God as a culture and as a nation.”
When that happens, “God abandons us and he backs away and takes his hand of favor, blessings, His hand of protection away from us and he abandons us,” she said. She also said that; "Terror attacks such as 9/11 and the mass shooting in San Bernardino were allowed by God because of the gay rights movement and the acceptance of evolution". Now even her own daddy, who actually Invented the Bible that she so proudly thumps, not to mention the multi-billion dollar Billy Graham orginization built from the money of their 'fear of doomsday' followers, couldn't have proclaimed it better. Her God has called a Fatwa down on America and any Other country that shuns the 'proper' religion, and he has 'hired' ISIS and their minions to do his dirty work for him. Yikes!  :O  'Yea tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, thou art with me', ....ahhh... that is unless you believe in evolution, are non religious, gay, non repentive, a person who uses their Own brain and common sense, does not tithe your 'fair share', refuses to be a good sheep', and, well, the list just goes on and on.
Just when they would have us believe that God is such a loving, tolerant, un-biased 'benevolent' savior of all mankind, Ms. 'kill'em with kindness' Graham cracks open her 'guidebook', which only a True Ordained Disciple of God can decipher, interpret, and self translate, and shows us what it's Really all about. Incredibly, it would appear that from her very own proclamation, that ISIS and those other 'religious' fanatical murdering scum do not hold a candle to God himself when it comes to killing innocent lives and creating mayhem in general. She also claimed ; "..that God would protect Americans from everything, including terrorists and hurricanes, if they repent and pray". You might make note of that little 'IF' word there. It looks like New Orleans was chock full of sinners when that spiffy God Ordered hurricane pratically wiped it off the map. 'Vengence is mine....'. It might be a little more than coincidental that ISIS uses this same 'ploy' in their attempts to convert folks to believe in, and follow, their own religious fanaticalism. It's simple, Convert, or die! It seems she's 'preaching to the choir', and just 'calling the kettle black'.
And not to be outdone with her First doomsday exclamations she also issued a dire warning, implying that God could send more terror — or something worse. What!? We haven't 'seen' the 'Worst' yet??
“If 9/11 didn’t turn us to prayer like that, if San Bernardino doesn’t, it almost frightens me to think what would it take to make us so desperate that we’ll cry out to God and we’ll get on our face and repent,” she said. Holy cows! OMG!! You mean he could do Worse Things!? It seems that ISIS uses a similiar tact when 'asking' folks to convert. By the proper use of threats, and torture, only the very strong and foolish would resist and gladly fall onto their faces to ask forgiveness. But usually they just get killed anyway, and if you just happen to be an 'infidel', they will 'toast' you right away, no matter What you do. But, they can do this as they have been 'allowed', and even encourged, to do it by God himself, to teach heathons like us a lesson we won't soon forget. Thanks a Lot Ms. Graham. :/
When it comes to her resistance to believing in 'evolution' she has obviously failed to perform even a cursory examination of her Own family 'apple' tree, which had she done so she would readily see that 'evolution' has been, and still Is, busy in her own genes Even as she protests the very existence of it.
And so, as Ms. 'Gods right hand' Graham hops onto her private jet with her bodyguards to whisk her away to one of her private retreats built with 'scared' money, Her world and all her Bling is just as safe as she can buy it, leaving the rest of the world to flounder at the hands of the mighty avenger, repent or face doom you groveling infidels and non believers alike, so sayeth Gods hand picked emissaries The Graham family, who while they pick your pocket via the collection plate, they'll promise to save your sorry heathen souls. That is, as long as you do a little groveling and a Lot of repenting.  ;) ;)



Anne Graham Lotz Says God Sends Terror Attacks Because Of Bathroom Rights And Evolution

Wait, what?!?

05/17/2016 03:53 am ET|Updated22 hours ago

Anne Graham Lotz, seen here in a 2007 file photo, claims God allows terror attacks “to show us that we need hm.”

Terror attacks such as 9/11 and the mass shooting in San Bernardino were allowed by God because of the gay rights movement and the acceptance of evolution, evangelist Anne Graham Lotz said.
“Our nation seems to be shaking its fist in God’s face and telling him to get out of our politics, get out of our schools, get out of our businesses, get out of our marketplace, get off the streets,” Lotz told conservative radio host Steve Deace, according to audio posted online by Right Wing Watch. “It’s just stunning to me the way we are basically abandoning God as a culture and as a nation.”
When that happens, “God abandons us and he backs away and takes his hand of favor, blessings, His hand of protection away from us and he abandons us,” she said.
“We’re struggling with our own pride or self-sufficiency. I think that’s why God allows bad things to happen. I think that’s why he would allow 9/11 to happen, or the dreadful attack in San Bernardino, or some of these other places, to show us that we need him. We’re desperate without him.”
Lotz, the daughter of famed evangelist Billy Graham and leader of AnGeL Ministries in North Carolina, also complained about HB2, the state’s transphobic law which bars transgender people from using the public restrooms that match the gender they identify with.
“There’s silliness. There’s craziness. There’s most illogical rulings,” she said. “The Justice Department is suing us for something that is just common sense. It’s ludicrous, and to me it’s evidence that God has backed away.”
Lotz then claimed that God would protect Americans from everything, including terrorists and hurricanes, if they repent and pray. Conveniently, she’s hawking a new book, “The Daniel Prayer,” which claims to have a prayer that can “move heaven and change nations.”
If people pray, she said, God will “begin to reveal the plots of our enemies and terrorists before they are carried out. Even the weather patterns, he can even control the weather patterns and protect us from the violent storms that are taking human life.”
But Lotz also issued a dire warning, implying that God could send more terror — or something worse.
“If 9/11 didn’t turn us to prayer like that, if San Bernardino doesn’t, it almost frightens me to think what would it take to make us so desperate that we’ll cry out to God and we’ll get on our face and repent,” she said.

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