Sunday, July 12, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 18

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 18

Dear Buddy,
I've been reading your so-called 'Advice Column ' hoping that some day I'd read something that would enlighten my otherwise drab world. But, so far, not much. Which makes me you have to have a college degree to be a 'self helper' or whatever? I thought about doing it myself, but like you, would anyone believe anything I say? Would it be fair to assume that you make up a lot of the so called requests for 'advice'? I read the one where the woman who took your 'advice' is now on the run from the law, could that happen to 'me'? Are you 'for real'? I think one of us is nutty as a Christmas fruit cake, is it you or is it just me?
'Skeptical in Canton'

Dear Skeptical,

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