Wednesday, July 8, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 17

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 17

Hi Buddy!
Remember when I wrote to you asking for advice? I'm the woman whose husband I 'thought' was running around with wild women, and just like a man, was constantly denying it. Of course it later turned out that he actually wasn't. But in the meantime I told you what I suspected, and you told me to "clean out the checking account and book a 'singles' cruise". Well, I did what you 'advised' me to do. And now I'm 'wanted' in three states for forgery, bank fraud, theft, and income tax evasion. What the hell buddy! I'm living under an assumed name which I can't even spell, dyed my hair, the color of which I hate, I'm living under a rock practically, and all because I listed to your stupid advice!
What should I do now?? What Buddy, what!?
'Wanted in Three States'

Dear 'Wanted',
Stop following my 'advice'?

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