Saturday, October 1, 2016

Duterte Has A New BFF

'America?! America???!! Hey we don't need no stinkin' America!
Who 'needs' Them anyway? Who needs democracy in the first place? I'm my Own man, and I make all the decision for All my peoples. Of course for a Lot of them the 'decision' is immediate Death, but then they Knew I was a 'snake' when they took me in. And lucky for Me, dead men tell no tales. And of course Some people, certainly not wise Philippino's, worry that Some, maybe Most, of those dead people might have been totally innocent of drug involvement. But hey, at least the dead have no worries, so it all even out in the end. Besides, I just kill them, I let Jesus sort them out. All this is America's fault in the first place! If it were not for these filthy gringos importing drugs and whores, I'd only have to kill about Half as many as I have, and you Know what, I'm not done Yet. So, thanks a million America! Oh, and speaking of 'millions', Mr. Obama, please continue to send those beautiful, filthy, easy on the eye, $American$ dollars. I still curse you all the way to my personal 'bank'.
Anyway, as I was 'saying', not one single person in my beautiful drug ridden country needs Anything from America, ahhh...with the exception of those $$'greenbacks'$$ of course. And like I 'said' I am my own man, which every single, drug free, legal citizen of my very own fiefdom would agree with. That is unless they wish to be included in my little 'drug user death list'. I make all the decisions for my kingdom, and that's just the way my serfs like it. For example, just recently one of our stupid Supreme Court judges, without 'thinking' obviously, complained about the many people I have had murdered who were only 'suspected' of involvement with drugs. Ha! I told her to chill out or I would declare martail law. Wisely she has been very quiet since then. You see, that's the way a good dictator uses his power. I have studied under the Best, and now I'm pretty sure that I Am the Best. No one can tell Me what to do or think, or who my 'friends' can be.
Speaking of 'friends', have I mentiond that my new BFF is China? Yep! And here's some News for America; you know those joint military exercises comeing up next week? Well, guess what gringo country, “I would serve notice to you now that this will be the last military exercise”. “Jointly, Philippines-US, the last one.”
"I will maintain the military alliance because there is an RP-US pact which our countries signed in the early ‘50s.” “I will establish new alliances for trade and commerce and you are scheduled to hold war games again, which China does not want.” Yeah, yeah, I Know I said I make my Own 'decisions', and that I'm my Own man, but a good puppet know who to let pull his strings. And let me tell you, it ain't gonna be no American! You see, it's sorta like This, I can 'trust' China, I mean when have you Ever heard about Them doing something behind a 'friends' back? On a trustworthy scale of 10, I give them an 8+, America, a -0. What a peaceful country China is! And that Xi Jinping, what a guy! He really knows how to work a crowd! Look how his serfs bow to him at every turn. This guy Demands respect! You don't 'see' drug dealers, and whores hawking their wares on the streets of China do you?! And Protesters? They removed That word from their dictionaries! People respect him, of course they also don't want to wind up as a 'patient' in one of his 'Organ Donation' 'hospitals' either. Hmmm...maybe I can start one of those here. It's not easy being a dictator but I'm Learning! I'm leaning towards Another peaceful, and the very 'honest' country, of Russia as a new BFF as well. I just Love the way my pal Vlad keeps his serfs under control. Have you ever seen him without a Shirt on?? My, what a viral speciman of humanity! And humane is exactly what he is! He has never, that I'm instantly aware of, told a lie. To Anyone. Never Ever. That's what he told me, and I 'believe' him all the way. Pretty soon I'll have lots of big friendly dictators on my side, and they'll teach me all they know about the art of dictatorship. My ports will be full of dictators big military ships, my airports full of their war planes, and then no one, not even filthy Americans, will be able to tell Me what to do. And stupidly, America will just keep sending lots, and lots of $$$ to me all the while. I'll be able to just go on murdering my own people, and when I run out of drug users, I'll figure something Else to kill them for. Then, my kingdom will be just as safe as Russia, or North Korea, or China, and tourists will flock back to my kingdom in droves. Our national currancy, the Peso, which all my serfs are required to use, while I myself am 'forced' to use that filthy American money, will increase in value, our stock market will rise to the clouds, our economy will outpace even Japans, and every man, woman, and child will be able to get a personal 'loan' from my bank to buy a bicycle with a motor on it. Oh what a joyful time it will be! Well, must go now, my gorgeous Limo is waiting, gotta issue some more chinese bullets to my vigilantes.' :/ :/

Duterte declares upcoming Philippines-U.S. war games 'the last one'

By Martin Petty| HANOI
HANOI Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte plunged one of the United States' most important Asian alliances deeper into uncertainty on Wednesday by declaring upcoming U.S.-Philippines military exercises "the last," and ruling out any joint navy patrols.The firebrand Duterte pledged to honor a longstanding security treaty with the United States, but said China opposed joint marine drills in the Philippines starting next week and there would be no more war games with Washington after that.
"I am serving notice now to the Americans, this will be the last military exercise," Duterte said during a visit to Vietnam. "Jointly, Philippines-U.S.: the last one."
Duterte's remarks gave one of the strongest signs yet of fissures in a historic alliance that Washington has relied upon as it tries to cement its influence in Asia to counterbalance China's rapid rise. Duterte's foreign minister later said his comments had been taken out of context.
State Department spokesman John Kirby said he was not aware of any official notification from the Philippines about ending joint exercises.
"Our focus is on the relationship today and moving it forward," Kirby told a regular news briefing. "We continue to believe that that's possible. ... (W)e have significant security commitments with the Philippines. We're committed to meeting those commitments and to furthering this relationship."
The Philippines military and U.S. Marines are to hold annual amphibious landing exercises from Oct. 4 to 12. Military leaders from the countries have also started preparing for a new set of exercises next year.
Duterte said he would establish "new alliances for trade and commerce" with Russia and China, but would maintain security agreements with Washington.
His near-daily outbursts against the United States began in earnest last month, when he spoke of alleged atrocities a century ago by the United States when it was the Philippines' colonial ruler.
He has called President Barack Obama a "son of a bitch" and said he would order the pullout of the remaining U.S. special forces stationed in the Philippines' restive south.
Duterte told a gathering of the Filipino community in Hanoi there would be no chance of naval patrols with Washington because they risked dragging the Philippines into conflict with China.
The Philippines and China have long sparred over sovereignty in the South China Sea, and Manila and Washington have shared concerns about China's military clout and pursuit of broad maritime claims.

WHAT DUTERTE "CLEARLY MEANT"Asked if Duterte was serious about ending military exercises with the United States, Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay said he was misunderstood and his remarks taken out of context.
The only thing Duterte had ruled out were joint patrols beyond the Philippines' 12-nautical mile territorial waters, Yasay said.
"Our agreement, that will be respected and this is what the president clearly meant," Yasay told a scrum of reporters, referring to a 1951 Mutual Defence Treaty.
Despite Yasay's words, Duterte's latest comments add to uncertainty about what his end game is and whether Manila's next moves could complicate regional diplomacy or alter the status quo in the South China Sea.
A U.S. defense official said he had not seen the Philippines make a formal request to stop sea patrols and added that the bar for a "joint patrol" with the Philippines was low.
"If the joint patrols stop, will this have any sort of major impact on the situation in the South China Sea? Most likely not," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. He added that in a sign things were continuing as usual, the landing ship USS Germantown would be making a port call in Manila from Wednesday.
Richard Jacobson, an American security expert, said Duterte's posturing could embolden China to exploit a testy relationship between two old allies.
"The U.S.-Philippines relationship might become strained and even shaken," Jacobson said.
"The U.S. geopolitical stakes in the region are much too high to react to his hyperbole. The current attitude in Washington is mature - more of patience than feeling provoked."
The Philippines has not formally committed to joining the United States in patrols beyond its territorial waters in the South China Sea. It has carried out at least two patrols with the United States this year that remained within 12 nautical miles of the Philippine coast.

(Additional reporting by Karen Lema and Manuel Mogato in Manila and David Brunnstrom and Idrees Ali in Washington; Editing by Alex Richardson and Leslie Adler

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