Monday, October 24, 2016

Duterte Still 'Loves' America ;) ;)

'Oh My, My, My! I'm so very much like my idol Mr. Foot In Mouth Trump that 'sometimes' I let my slippery tongued mouth say some of the darndest things! And Now lookie here! While not paying very much attention to my 'loose lips sinks ships' mouth while sucking up to my brand new BFF the glorious presidente' of China, my mouth went stark raving mad, spouting out things that would make the weak of heart shudder in their skivies. I'm pretty 'sure' that I did not Mean a single word of what I may or may not have uttered while in a death grip with my new pal. Geez! I thought he'd never let go of my hand! That guy has a 'made in china' Vice grip there! And just look at me, my little lips all pursed up ready for a man kiss, shoulders up around my neck, my hair combed foreward to cover my balding pattern forehead, my larger than life ears listening to the pounding of my excited, fickle heart, while all the while in the presence of the dictator of all dictators shaking my sweaty, smaller than His, ruthless hand. And you know what? I'm still alive to tell about it! I wanna be Just like Him! Except taller, and not Chinese. I Already Thorouhly, and without question or protest from my sniviling serfs, control my very own kingdom! I just need This guy to front me some really badassed weapons of mutual destruction so's I can mass kill a bunch more drug users, oh, and to show America that I am Not to be triffled with. Oh yeah, I'm Bad! Bad to the Bone! 'Bad' is my middlename. I'm my own Rambo, that's what I am! I'll show those son of a bitchen Americans that I'm not just Anybodies wormy little puppet, well...sorta 'not' anyway. Hmmm...where was I? Oh yeah, about those crazy guy things I said about "severing ties with US". Obviously my words were taken out of 'context'. Stupid reporters can make the Lords Prayer sound like something straight from the devil himself! So, like, ahhhh...whatEver I said, or whatever it 'sounded' like I said, probably was not Meant to 'sound' like whatEver it sounded like I said. So, lets just forget all that claptrap stuff and let me clarify the moment. I don't Really want to cut off All ties with America. Would That be Crazy or What! Hey, I get a lot of cool stuff from America. I Like 'made in America' stuff! You Know, things like Military stuff that actually works, snappy cars, and, well, you Know cool stuff. But Most of all I Really, really, really, like all that American MONEY that the US Government loads me up with. I have no idea How I'm Ever gonna spend it all but I'm happy to my secret bank account every day! And Now, my most favorite BFF-'Friends With Benifits' China, is gonna start stuffing my account with Chinese funny money that can be easily converted to a more Useful money, like US Dollars! Being a dictator is not without its particular benifits. So I say to my former friend (not really) America that I will allow you to hang around, as long as you keep sending me lots of greenbacks, while I play tootsies with some of the worlds most ruthless, and heartless dictators, and better learn their 'trade', and while I learn better how to be just like them myself. Everyone in my kingdom backs me, and love me to no end. I Never hear one single complaint...more than Once anyway. I mean, afterall, who wants to be added to my 'suspected' drug user list. My kingdom cannot think for its self, nor can it survive these modern times without me, and Now, with the noble and honoured assistance of my new BFF's, and with that Stupid whore president of America out of the picture, it will be a breeze to enslave my serfs and rule with an iron, although Small, yet deadly, fist.' :/ :/

World News|Mon Oct 24, 2016 | 9:02pm EDT

Philippines' Duterte softens stance toward U.S. before Japan visit

By Linda Sieg and Kiyoshi Takenaka| TOKYO
TOKYO Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte softened his remarks about a "separation" from long-time ally the United States on the eve of a visit to Japan, a country worried about Manila's apparent pivot away from Washington and toward China."The alliances are alive," Duterte told Japanese media in Manila on Monday, Kyodo News reported. "There should be no worry about changes of alliances. I do not need to have alliances with other nations."
The remarks will be welcomed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who wants to keep ties with the Philippines tight during Duterte's visit to Japan, starting on Tuesday.
Duterte jolted the region last week on a trip to China when he announced a realignment toward Beijing, the latest in a series of outbursts against the United States.
Duterte and his aides later tried to clarify that he did not mean he was cutting ties with the United States and his remarks on Monday were the most conciliatory yet.
Duterte told Japanese media he had been expressing a personal opinion, not speaking for the government when he mentioned separating from Washington, the Nikkei newspaper said. He said he only plans to have an "alliance of trade and commerce" with China, Kyodo reported.
The Yomiuri newspaper, however, said Duterte had repeated he wants to halt joint military exercises with the United States and end a military cooperation pact seen as crucial to projecting U.S. power in Asia in the face of a fast-rising China.

WORRIED JAPANAbe has sought to strengthen ties with the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries as a counter-balance to Beijing.
"It's certainly unfortunate and we are worried, but such things will not change Japan's commitment to the Philippines," said Narushige Michishita, a professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies and former defense official, referring to Duterte's comments.
Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, after talking to his Philippine counterpart on Sunday, is confident the two countries can "work through" a period of confusion caused by Duterte's remarks the State Department said.
Duterte has railed against U.S. expressions of concerns about the high loss of life in his campaign against drugs and Washington's calls for due process.
Japanese officials said Abe would not overtly try to mediate between Tokyo and Washington but would probably explain the importance of the U.S. role in the region.
Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida will meet Duterte on Tuesday for a low-key dinner, and Abe will hold rare one-on-one talks with Duterte at his residence in Tokyo the next evening following a larger, more formal meeting with senior officials.

"I believe ties between Japan and the Philippines are very important and that seeking to stabilize bilateral ties will lead straight to peace, stability and prosperity of the region as well as of the international community," Kishida told reporters.
He added he wanted to listen carefully to Duterte's views.
Duterte's predecessor Benigno Aquino angered China by lodging a case with an arbitration court in the Hague challenging the legitimacy of Beijing's maritime claims in the resource-rich South China Sea.
A ruling earlier this year emphatically favoured Manila but was rejected by China, which has repeatedly warned the United States and Japan to stay out of the dispute.
Duterte said the two countries had agreed not to discuss the international court's ruling on his initial visit, but would have to talk about it at some point, the Nikkei reported.

(Additional reporting by William Mallard and Tim Kelly; Editing by Grant McCool and Lincoln Feast)

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