Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Grab Your Muskets Boys!

'That's right, you heard me correctly, that's what I said and that's exactly what I mean....I think. And now that I've 'thought' about it for the last ten seconds, and thoroughly considered, just like I always do about Everything else I've ever said or did, about exactly what I Did say, I must say that that's probably exactly what I Meant to say. Let me 'say' it like This, so that there's no mistaking about what I say or mean to say when I say something like this. My BFF-F...WB Donald Trump is running for the office of the President of this here United States of America, the land of the free, the home of the brave, the enclave of the paranoid, the land of the superstitious, the believers of just about every darn conspiracy theory that mankind can muster up, the land of every untruth that a potential 'politician', and wanna-be dictator can drum up. And let me be perfectly clear as the bells of St Mary, he better Win this election! And Then let me say This about That. "On November 8th, I'm voting for Trump. On November 9th, if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket. You in?" Yeah, that's Right folks! Grabbing my musket! Gonna dig that sucker up outta my secret 'bug-out' cave, scrape the rust off that sucker, clean the mice outta that barrel, make some shiney little bullets, manufacture some black powder, dust the mites outta my buckskins, skin me a racoon so's I have a nice hat, and get ready for the 'revolution' that's gonna sweep over this here land of the free. Revolt, revolt! Up in arms folks! Full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes! Damn the Constitution! Disregard the 'Law of The Land'! Let's show'em that Democracy ain't even nearly democratic! Let's show'em what a poor loser really looks like! Let's show the whole darn World what we 'real' Americans are made of! Every man for himself, men and boys first, forward march! This is a mans job! Hang'em high, plug'em first, ask questions later! We'll show those cheating, lying, coniving democrats what for! Yeah! That's what we'll do alright! How dare they 'rig' the system so that my pal will loose! We'll take back our country from those cheating politicians, one of which I used to be! Yep, that's what I 'said' alright, and I'm not backing down from my high horse or my self-righteous brain farbs. I 'say' what I mean, and I mean what I 'say'. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. If you want my rusty musket you'll have to pry it from my uppidy arse, which by the way, is where I also keep my silly head'. :/



Ex-congressman: 'If Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket'

Joe Walsh Obama tweet Dallas police ctn_00000000


    Former congressman defends Obama tweet


Former congressman defends Obama tweet 03:15

Story highlights

  • Walsh has made wild threats on Twitter before
  • He tweeted a controversial message about Obama in the wake of the Dallas shootings
Washington (CNN)Former Rep. Joe Walsh appeared to call for armed revolution Wednesday if Donald Trump is not elected president.
Walsh, a former tea party congressman from Illinois who is now a conservative talk radio host, tweeted, "On November 8th, I'm voting for Trump. On November 9th, if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket. You in?"
Walsh did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment. But he did respond to CNN's Jake Tapper via Twitter when he asked: "What exactly does that mean?"
"It means protesting. Participating in acts of civil disobedience. Doing what it takes to get our country back," he responded to Tapper.
Walsh has made apparent threats on Twitter before. In the wake of the Dallas police officer shootings over the summer, he tweeted, "3 Dallas Cops killed, 7 wounded. This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you."
At the time, he told CNN's Don Lemon that he stood by his words and that Twitter "shut me down."
"Twitter said the only way you'll open your account is if we get rid of that tweet," Walsh claimed in July.
At the time, Twitter would not comment on Walsh's claims, citing privacy and security reasons. But spokesman Nu Wexler noted a Twitter policy that says users "may not make threats of violence or promote violence, including threatening or promoting terrorism."

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