Friday, November 24, 2023

'Dear Buddy' Installment Number 21

   Hi Buddy,

I feel like I already know you! I'm counting on you to help me out of some self induced financial doldrums which are not caused by me personally, but by people who just don't connect with my problems. So, as you can imagine, it's not Me, it's Them. Where do I begin. When I was 12 I somehow, probably my pushy fathers doing, I held a respectable job as a newspaper carrier. That worked out well, in my opinion, for a few weeks until unfounded whines from customers expecting too much, got me kicked out of the newspaper work force. Does it really matter at what time of day you get your paper?? I most always, well occasionally anyway, delivered them before midnight but seems like people liked getting the news while they are still awake. See what I mean about whinners?  I was really traumatized by the failure of people to expect more of me than they actually deserve! I'm the one who 'richly deserves' things in life, and get all that's coming to me! So, as you can imagine, I haven't actually 'worked' since then, but now at 42 I am self sufficient by getting government, and other social subsidies, and I don't even have to get dressed and leave my subsidized house and listen to these failure at life whinners.. It's a lot of work but somebodies gotta do it, right? If it ain't Me, it'd be someone else.  Anyway, I'm sure you can understand my plight. Buddy, what I need most right now is 2 new inboard engines for my 46' yacht. Word to the wise here, don't use olive oil as a motor oil substitute! Talk about engine freeze-up!! But who knew, right?  Well, I can't figure out how to get a subsidy for  new engines here! Wouldn't you think someone would have figured this out by now? That's where You come in Buddy. You seem like a wise and cleaver money maker solving other folks problems, so could you please help me get those darn engines, and a case of motor oil, so that I can continue my cruise? I'll even trade a few money making subsidy tips with you! Folks like 'us' gotta stick together, right?

Thanks in advance, 'Stuck In Tahiti'

Dear 'Stuck',

First, look up the definition of 'presumptuous'. Now lets deal with your self induced 'problems'. Does the term, 'Social sponge' ring a bell with you? Anyway, I'll be happy to get you what you richly 'deserve'. Here's what you should do to get 'what's coming' to you. I'm just guessing here that you know more than a few street life sponges that can produce underground paperwork? Find one that can produce some believable government identification, drivers license, SS number, and even a passport, under an assumed  name that you can easily remember how to pronounce and spell without looking at it. Using a last name as 'Smith' always works real well. Now with all this 'official' paperwork go to a small bank in another town and open a checking account using the 'home' address of the vacant lot but with a mailing address of a real P.O. Box . They'll issue some real checkbooks and they will mail those checkbook to your new P.O. Box. Once you get those checkbooks you are on your way to fame. Now, with some of your spare 'sponge' money, make some deposits via US Mail to your new bank account. You are now setting them up to subsidize your lifestyle! Soon, you'll be using Their money instead of your own. Now, let them get used to you deposing money, withdrawing some now and then, and being a 'good' customer. Soon, you'll be able to get some 'home improvement' cash loans which of course you'll use for your new engines. They'll 'never' know. Really. They don't even pay attention to small details like that. Now, you can get some more 'made-up' Identifications and open accounts at other banks in other towns where you can get other loans to subsidize your lifestyle. Remember to always use the US Mail because they will 'always' keep your stuff secret. After all of this you will be on your way to eventually getting exactly what You, "richly deserve", and get all that's "coming" to you in life! Keep me posted on how things 'work out' for you.

Lottsa luck 'Stuck', you certainly need it!


Thursday, November 23, 2023

 'Ask Buddy' Installment number 20

Dear Buddy,

Hi Buddy! This is 'Friendless In Point Barrow Alaska', I bet you remember me, I wrote to you a while back, remember I told you that I still live with my parents, remember? Well, you gave me your special, friends only phone number, 123-456-7890, and told me to call you anytime and that you would help me with my problem. Since then my thankless parents have become absolutely unbearable to live with and they refuse to move out. They are retired and just lay around the house, also they refuse to get a job to help me buy a new land Rover. I mean, how am I supposed to get to the convenience store!? It's a good two blocks away and my parents told me to take a hike! Not even sure what that Is! I am at my limited wits end! I just get no respect around here!  I need your help Buddy! I have called the 'special number' you gave me so many times now that I can almost remember it by heart, but it just rings, and rings, and rings, and rings but no one answers my calls, ever! I did the special secret code that you gave me but still no answer. You must be very busy helping folks like me to solve their problems. I wish I could be more like you Buddy, always ready to stand up and be counted as a helpful human being! But, How is it that you have time to answer Their calls but not Mine, I just don't get it Buddy. I thought we were friends. I just don't get it.  Waiting for help in Point Barrow, your friendless friend forever.

Dear 'Friendless In Point Barrow',

Ooopps, my error 'Friendless'. Looks like I left an important step when dialing my secret special number, so here it is. I will write it reaaall slowww forrr youuu...This number only works on a 1942 military rotary dial phone, the type used on submarines. Remember those? It was always kept right next to the screen door. See, that's why my number is so special, not to mention 'secret'. Now with that phone, which you can find only at your local Wally World store in the sports section. They will tell you that they no longer have the phone in stock, when in fact they really do, but you must have the special secret password so that they will know that you are 'for real', and not some crackpot off the street or perhaps a lost foreign spy. Now remember this, you must write it on your forehead with a water proof marker so that you don't forget it! The password is; "LAER ROF'. Now say it over and over and over again until you can remember it, but be sure to write it on your forehead so that they can actually see it as you say it out loud to them.  Then, no matter what they tell you, follow their instructions to the T. Good luck Friendless, talk to you 'soon'.