Monday, September 5, 2016

"Son Of A B****, I Will Swear At You."

"Son of a b****, I will swear at you." You, youuuuu..stupid American President! "Who does he think he Is? I am no American puppet. I am the president of a sovereign country and I am not answerable to anyone except the Filippino people". Besides, I pull my Own strings!
'Yeah, that's my line and I'm stickin' to it! How dare that S.O.B. try and tell Me, the greatest dictator this country has ever had the horrible misfortune to be afflicted with, how to 'fight crime' in my very own personal country! Hey, he don't know nothing about fighting crime. "As a matter of fact, we inherited this problem from the United States. Why? Because they invaded this country and made us their subjugated people. Everybody has a terrible record of extra-judicial killing. Why make an issue about fighting crime?" That's Right! That's what I Said! Here's a little known 'history' lesson that nobody tells anymore. Well, except that I make sure that it's taught in all our schools so that our children will grow up hating Americans just liike I do. It's like this; waaaaaay back a long, long time ago, say about 75 years ago, right about when I, myself, was around One year old or so, our good friends the Japanese visited our little banana republic just before the United States decided to invade our country in order to subjugate our people. Why, I remember it like it was only yesterday! There must have been Millions of gringos all over this place, shooting, bombing, raping our women and donkeys, stealing lunch money from little innocent children, and Worst of all, attacking and murdering our 'peaceful' visitors from Japan, who had absolutely no choice but to arm themselves with sticks, and spears, and clubs and stuff like that, and defend themselves and the honor of the Philippines as well. Yes, my 'memory' is as clear as a yummy bottle of rice wine. Our brave soldiers along with our wonderfully peaceful Japanese friends fought against the overwhelming tide of American aggressors for four long years but our spears and rock clubs were no match for these filthy gringos who finally, after murdering all of our good friends from Japan, along with millions of our own innocent soldiers and citizens, were forced to fly the white flag of surrender. And Now they refuse to leave our country even though every man, woman, and child want them to get out, and Stay out. I think our new BFF China, will help us with this gringo problem. Just stay tuned for That one. These gringos brought these evil drugs, alcohol, and prostitution to our peaceful land, printed money that we had to use for, and made us live under their shadow, until Now. Before Them we had Absolutly No crime, No drugs, No prostitues, and not much money of course. Now, with Me as a great dictator who All of the Philippines adore and admire more than even Jesus Christ himself, have a great army, navy, and airforce and we will no longer be subjugated and ruled by these stinkin' Americans! Americans?! We don't need no stinkin' Americans! What'd they Ever do for Us?? And yes, it may be true that our great military is the result of these gringos providing the training and equipment, but let me be perfectly clear, Now we don't need no stinkin' gringos, we were just tricking them all along!! Stupid! We Especially don't need a gringo President trying to tell Me who I can murder and who I can't murder. You can be sure that I'm voting for my very good surragate Trump. We will learn a lot from one another. I get to decide who gets whacked! If it Looks like a drug dealer, Walks like a drug dealer, and Talks like a drug dealer, it's probably Not a Duck! It's a dead Goose! Besides, since I became the exalted Philippino Dictator, I 'think,' 'officially,' only around 2,000 people, that we have actually Counted, but Then who's actually keeping 'score', guilty or innocent, have been murdered by my faithful henchmen and volunteer murderers since May of this year. Hey, that's not so many! It Certainly does not compare to Chicago! I say to my police, military, and volunteer henchmen, "Double your efforts. Triple them, if need be. We will not stop until the last drug lord, the last financier, and the last pusher, have surrendered or put behind bars -- or below the ground, if they so wish". This of course includes 'drug Users' as well.  Kill, kill, kill, kill, murder'em dead, kill'em All, let Jesus sort them out! We don't have no time for the courts to figure out who's guily or who's not! Who does That??! Sometimes innocent people, yeah, Sure, maybe a Lot of'em, must die in order to weed out the 'guilty'. Such is life and death, well, mostly death. 'Death' cures drug addiction! That gringo President better not come Here and try to tell Me how to fix a drug problem! I know a 'problem' when I See one, that's why I have had all the mirrors removed from my fortress. American gringo Presidente', "Son of a b****, I will swear at you." :/


White House cancels Obama meeting with Philippines leader

After the president of the Philippines warned President Obama not to question him on extrajudicial killings or "son of a b---- I will swear at you,” the White House says that a meeting between the leaders has been called off.
Earlier today in China, Obama called Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte "a colorful guy" when asked about the comments in a press conference.
"President Obama will not be holding a bilateral meeting with President Duterte of the Philippines this afternoon," National Security Council Spokesman Ned Price said in a statement. "Instead, he will meet with President Park of the Republic of Korea this afternoon."
Earlier, President Obama said: "If and when we have a meeting, this is something that's going to be brought up." He added that he would certainly address the need to approach the drug trafficking war in a "way that is consistent with basic international norms."
Duterte made the statement regarding his upcoming meeting with Obama after a reporter questioned how he would explain the extrajudicial killings in the Philippines' drug war if the U.S. President brings up the topic.

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